Who we are


We are living in remarkable times … great challenge, great promise.

To address the realities of where we are now–and where we are going– the Presence Movement is born. The movement takes you step by step into knowing the truth of your Presence. As you discover the timeless, spacious truth at the center of who you are, you also learn the essential skills for sharing it: how Presence connects you into the real world. Presence invites you into connection with the real in yourself, the real in other people, and the real, living grace of the whole world around you.

Each time you learn to shift from personality into Presence, new eyes and new heartfulness awaken. Your new eyes and new heart have what it takes to creatively respond to what your life is offering you. No more victim, no more reactivity, rather an unfolding empowerment that incites the dignity of

the people you meet, turns on the alive intelligence of the natural world, and co-creates with the unfolding intelligence that lives in the Field of Organic Unity.

The Presence Movement offers training in the Netherlands, Finland, Denmark, and Spain. It is shared by a growing team of dedicated professionals who are aligned to birthing a new way for people to come to know Presence as a state of Being and a way of living.

You are warmly invited to come take your place in a medicine movement for where we are now and the new world that is being born now.

This is not a therapy system, nor is it confined to people of any specific age, skill set, or past experience. Everyone has Presence inside, and everyone will be assisted in manifesting that Presence in whatever profession, place, system where you choose to express yourself.

The HeartPresence team:

About Akhail (Nishant) Matthews

About Akhail

Akhail* (Nishant) Matthews is an American therapist who has trained thousands of people worldwide in counseling skills, meditation, and healing for over 40 years.

His specialty is the awakening of Presence as a foundation for exploring all the journeys that life has to offer.

He combines the analytic skills of classical psychology with the insight approach of Buddhist meditation and shamanism. Additionally, Osho offers his unique vision, joy, and courage through the field around Akhail* (Nishant).

* 14 January 2021 A Personal message from Nishant

Dear friends,
It comes as a surprise, but also in a time when it is ready. Nishant now has a new name! Akhail.

It is a name that was given to me in a time of deep meditation and carried a clear knowing of where I come from and what my essential qualities are for this time. It comes now as a response to the multiple crises we are in.

Just heard a knowing: “it is time to give it everything you have now”.
Coming to use this name Akhail is part of that offering of everything I have for these times of transformation.

In my heart I am still a sannyasin, and still a channel into the Osho field of Presence. Akhail recognizes this, and brings in another field to join, so that even more depth of love can flow in these times.

Love and light.

The HeartPresence team:

About Malik John van der Rest

About Malik John van der Rest

Malik John van der Rest is a Netherlands born counselor and fellow traveller on the path of HeartPresence. He has found his way in the field of Rebalancing, breathwork, meditation and tuning into the living Spirit of Nature. Living in the green forests around Nijmegen his home and source of inspiration are with the trees, animals and abundance of live in his forest garden.

He loves to invite you into inner journeys with grounding, breathwork, drumming and keeping open to the mystery of life and love in every aspect.